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Don't let them get bored.

If you have young children, you don't need to find a sitter when you want to go camping, floating, or hiking. Don't be afraid to bring them with you. Memories are made at an early age. Catching butterflies, fishing off the bank, or roasting marshmallows are what kids dream of. Get them out there! We take our kids on over night backpacking trips and they love it! Camping with the family can be a blast, but keeping your children entertained can sometimes be challenge. We have talked and shared ideas with other parents about coming up with new and inventive ways to get your kids enjoying the outdoors. Here are a few we thought worth noting.

Keep them involved. Let your kids help set up the tent or collect firewood. If you are backpacking, let them carry a small backpack with their own personal little people stuff in it. Let them look at the trail maps and read campsite brochures so they can get an idea of their surroundings. We like to bring a good set of two-way radios for them to use. Using the two-way radios gives them a since of security while exploring the area. Teaching kids camp craft is important. It will empower them to embrace mother nature and all her wonders. 


Feed me,please!

Girls Camping

Let them help you.

Keep them fed. Kids sometimes have an endless appetite. Make sure you bring lots of goodies for the kiddies. Kids burn up a lot of energy. When they are running low you may start seeing signs of being "hangry". Keep them fueled up with things like cold fruit,celery/peanut butter sticks, cheese sticks, and sandwiches. Make sure to keep them hydrated, too.

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Scavenger hunts are fun! They add something extra to ordinary events and make them memorable.

They’re easy to create and can be tailored to any theme, any age, any place. 

A scavenger hunt adds an element of competition, urgency and excitement for your kids. They’re great for camping, but equally fun for rainy days, car trips, visits to new places or any time kids get bored. You can make almost anything into a game by turning it into a scavenger hunt!

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